Florendine Primary School

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.


If you require paper copies of any policies or other content from our school website, please request this through the school office.

 EYFS Health & Safety Policy.pdfDownload
 EYFS Marking Policy.pdfDownload
 EYFS Safeguarding policy.pdfDownload
 EYFS Transition policy.pdfDownload
 Fire safety.pdfDownload
 First Aid Policy 24.pdfDownload
 Florendine attendance policy 2024.pdfDownload
 Florendine Curriculum Policy 24.pdfDownload
 Florendine Equal Opportunity Policy 24.pdfDownload
 Florendine Equality Information 24.pdfDownload
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If you need help or support to access any information, please contact us.